Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Technology in Education

     I believe that technology is very far from what it could be.  The school that I attended did a very good job of providing technology but not always implementing it.  I worked for the tech department over the summer, so I was aware of all of the possible applications of the products in the classrooms.  I, along with a few other students set up most of the machines in all of the buildings in the district.  While I was in school, teachers always had access to computer labs and there were several desktop computers in each classroom. It was frustrating to see teachers only use the basic abilities of computers in the classroom when I knew that there was so much more.  Many teachers were not properly trained in what computers could do for them and for their class.  Everyone needs to be well-versed in technology to succeed in this ever-changing world and it is the responsibility of the school to teach students what technology can do for them.  As a student I always expected my teachers to be as up-to-date with technology as I was, but that was rarely the case.  As a teacher, I will hold myself responsible for staying up-to-date with the latest technology so that I can better interest my students and also communicate with them more effectively.
     The access to technology across districts is also very uneven.  There are still districts in Ohio that can not afford adequate technology services and its students suffer.  On the other side, some districts have so much money that they are overflowing with technology.  This issue raises the bigger issue of school funding however, and is another topic for another day.
     Access to and instruction in technology are necessary for students growing up in this digital age.  Technology has many practical applications in the classroom. However, I believe that the most important aspect of technology in the classroom is simply the exposure that students are given.  It gives them a base to further their tech skills and succeed in the very competitive job market.
     Technology in the classroom does provide a distraction that is difficult to monitor.  I know that when I was in school, I would regularly get on a computer just to check facebook or read an article on ESPN.  In a class of 25 students, these distractions are very difficult to monitor.  Computers also give students access to inappropriate material.  Much of this can be filtered, but filtering too much can also but a damper on educational opportunities. One of the biggest issues that my school district struggled with was whether or not to block youtube.  While youtube can be a very big distraction and has inappropriate material, it also has many educational benefits.